Whispering Winds

I just open the window and let the dark cold air breeze in and rush through the hairs on my bare arms each one standing to attention as the molecules search past in hope of a better life on the other side of the window a tear spills from my eye but the air is quicker than my hand as i reach up to push it away the air sucks the moisture from my cheek and dries my tear the draft from the propped open window blow in and soak up the wet in my eyes I hear a whisper whistling in the wind coming towards me faster and closer I stand still staring out into the darkness of the night and then it hits me the voice shouting and screaming at me bursting through my ears exploding in my brain the ripples of madness live here but I am here and I am now hoping stood staring blankly in this messy world with chaos surrounding me controlling me forcing me this way and that like a paper rag doll on strings being controlled by the society we live in controlled with the desire to be a duplicate of everyone around us being sheep following one another until we start to follow each other off the cliff of life and we are plummeting down in the sky black dots becoming smaller and insignificant the surround of us is changing from light to darkness and we fall into the darkness and become never knowing whether we are alive or dead as the darkness is the same dark as when we close our eyes to sleep never aware of what is real or not and we just keep falling slipping into the nothingness of our lives and the nothingness of darkness.

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